Saturday, June 25, 2005

"Lumpen" : Concert on July 11, 2005


"Marc Codsi, Jassem Hindi and Abdallah Ko make their way through a constantly evolving sound field invaded by guitars, microphones, golf ball, whips, K7's, forks, ventilator, amplifiers, megaphone, pans, sand paper, voices, hammer, vinyl, wood stick, mixing table, undefined metal objects, nunchaku , pick-ups and others."

[ 20min. video by Patrick Boeuf : part 1 + part 2 ]


Monday, July 11 2005 at 8:00pm
@ Espace SD, Beirut, Lebanon

Price: 15 000 L.P


5th International Festival of Free Improvised Music in Lebanon
July 8-11 2005

July 11, 2005

* LUMPEN (lb) 8:00pm

Marc Codsi / guitar, electro-acoustic set
Jassem Hindi / electro-acoustic set
Abdallah Ko / electro-acoustic set

* HUMUS (lb)

Karine Bejjani / danse
Béchir Saadé / clarinet, flute, nay
Christine Sehnaoui / alto sax

* DUBOST / KERBAJ / RIVES (lb/fr) 10:30pm

Quentin Dubost / guitar
Mazen Kerbaj / trumpet
Stéphane Rives / soprano

* E-GUITAR MEETING (leb/fr/uk)
Pascal Battus / electric guitar
Mike Cooper / electric guitar
Charbel Haber / electric guitar
Sharif Sehnaoui / electric guitar